
So I've been keeping my eyes and ears open about ideas for jewelry that people would appreciate.  One thing I'm thinking to make is a 'family tree' puzzle charm.  It'd be perfect to fire in the new kiln because I will keep the whole 'tree' together to fire it and it'd be too big to use a torch with.  Here's a very VERY rough draft of my idea:

Each piece will individually look like a puzzle piece (after I design it better than the above photo, of course) but together would form a tree.  It would have little holes in each so it would go on a chain for each member of the family and each chain can be chosen by the buyer.  They could even use a keychain for members who don't want to 'wear' it.  And I could even add the birthstones to each as sort of an upgraded version. 

Another idea is for a puzzle charm for mother and daughter (this idea came from one of my very good customers :).  I'll have to come up with that one soon so it's ready for Mother's Day but I am not sure yet how I want it to look.  I don't think I want it to be a heart puzzle. 

I'm getting the kiln tomorrow, so that's exciting :).  I need to order some sterling metal clay so I can experiment with that.  It's stronger in its metal form so I'll make things like bangle bracelets and keychains with sterling as opposed to fine silver.  I think I'm going to hold off until the summer before I start experimenting with the white bronze from Hadar's but I don't even know if it'll work with the Speedfire Kiln.  I sure hope it'll provide me a way to offer the fingerprint jewelry at a lower price (turns out Sterling metal clay is only about 5 dollars less than fine silver...I was disappointed about that).  I'm going to actually email Hadar herself to see if she has any advice on firing that particular metal clay in this particular kiln.  I hope she emails me back!
