I'm currently wearing my newest charm. I made it this weekend and polished it up tonight and it turned out exactly how I'd pictured it. Unfortunately, I don't know how to title it. I've searched around for jewelry similar and haven't found anything:

"Quotes Wrapped in Silver"? or "Favorite Quote in Silver Swirl"?
So anyway...I'm not going to list it in my shop until I come up with something for the title. The quote on this charm is "A writer is a world trapped within a person"...which I heard somewhere and loved. Any long quote would fit on this charm...as long as it isn't TOO long, I guess...or too short.

I've learned so much since I began working with precious metal clay. For one thing, I use a tumbler to polish everything. It takes a long time, but the silver has never shined so flawlessly with hand sanding. If you work with metal clay and silver in general and don't use a tumbler, I highly recommend it!
Look for this in my shop soon if you like it! I'm getting a lot of cutout templates in the mail this week and more white copper metal clay. I have dozens of ideas for those new mantra bangles...different shapes and sayings...I can't wait to work on them this weekend!! It's so great that my girls are a little older and enjoy playing together without mommy :)
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