Winner! Announced on Facebook Post

I announced the winner for 2 new Mantra Rings on Facebook on Friday, March 3rd (my 34th birthday!)...You can go find out who won here! I'll be shipping out the two rings this week.

In other, non-jewelry related news, I'm doing my second Whole30 this month. I started yesterday and I'm off to a good start. Last time I did this was 2014, back before there was a ton of hype about the program. Well, at least, not that I'd heard of at the time--a friend told me about it then and talked me into doing it with her. I lost 10 pounds then, and 2.5 inches from my waist, my butt, thighs, and stomach...Basically proportionally I shrank 2.5 inches. I also ate healthier than I have in my life for 30 days and changed the way I thought about food for...well...until this past year basically..I need another reset.

This time around I've found a lot more foods I'll be able to eat for quick snacks (the thing I struggled with the most last time) and my absolute favorite difference between last time and this time is the fact that I've discovered (and become addicted to) La Croix seltzer water with a hint of flavor. I was a soda drinker my whole life, so this hits the spot.  We've also since purchased a dehydrator and one of those Ninja kitchen blender sets, so I made "Lara Bars" (cashews and dates blended together and flattened into bars) and dried fruits. My husband and I joked that I'll probably overdo it on the healthy foods but I'm okay with it...I needed to fix my was really awful.

I also got a bike for my birthday and rode about 8 miles today on trails here in Colorado Springs. It was beautiful and such a great change from my typical exercise of choice (running...which is also awesome, but I needed to mix things up). 

In the next few weeks I plan to make a lot more rings/bangles/etc., then go through the tedious process of photographing and listing them in my shop. I got a lot of good ideas from all your posts here and on my Facebook page!  Thanks!
