Day 27, No Regrets

I'm writing this post from a hotel in Indiana. We drove all night and got here around 3 PM EST, which in our heads felt like 1 PM, so not too bad.  The girls were great in the car...our dog, not so much. He whined a lot and kept jumping over the seats when we got out at gas stations. Punk dog.

Last year he did terrible at the hotel so this year I gave him some dog sleepy meds and some herbal anti-anxiety meds. He's lying on the floor quietly right now (he's alive, haha). I'm really really hoping he'll sleep tonight and not whine all night.

I'm still very happy to have him along on this journey, even though he drives us all nuts. We're all in this together! Like the National Lampoon's vacation movies, that's us.

Here's my ring for today:
